Type | In de kijker |
Publicatiedatum26.05.2023 |
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Oproep deelname project stereotypen in seksuele opvoeding bij jongeren met verstandelijke beperking
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Op vraag van EASPD (de Europese koepelorganisatie van aanbieders van zorg en ondersteuning aan PmH) verspreiden we onderstaande oproep. Het ‘GIAff4ID-project’ is erop gericht om een tool te ontwikkelen om makkelijker in gesprek te kunnen treden met jongeren van 12 tot 17 jaar met een verstandelijke beperking over seksuele ontwikkeling. Men snijdt thema’s aan zoals toestemming, gezondheid, emoties, intimiteit en lichamelijke veranderingen. Hiervoor zijn de onderzoekers op zoek naar organisaties die interviews willen afnemen met jongeren met een verstandelijke beperking. Het is de bedoeling dat iemand die vertrouwd is met de jongere de interviews afneemt en de resultaten deelt met de onderzoekers.
Meer info vind je in de oproep hieronder en in bijlage (in het Engels). Indien je als organisatie geïnteresseerd bent om deel te nemen, kan je rechtstreeks contact opnemen met:
- Paloma Garcia (Engels): paloma.garciavictor@easpd.eu of +34 660 35 81 24
- Nina Kozlowitz (Frans): nina.kozlowitz@easpd.eu of +32 478 52 63 67
The GIAff4ID (Games for Improving Affectivity in Youngsters with Intellectual Disabilities) project is designed to break down stereotypes about sexual education and affectivity in Young Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (YPWIDs). Our goal is to develop inclusive and adaptable materials and tools that will enable youth workers to provide relevant Sexual and Affectivity education to YPWIDs. These tools include educational games on a variety of sexual education topics such as consent, health practices, emotions and affectivity, and physical changes.
To ensure that the needs of young PWIDs are met, it is critical to include as much of their participation as possible. This is why we want to conduct interviews with YPWIDs, and we would like to collaborate with organizations that have experience working with them and can assist us in addressing such sensitive topics in the best way possible.
We would appreciate it if you would help us in identifying organizations/associations/centres that could support us with this difficult and important task. As previously mentioned, we would need to conduct a few interviews with young people with intellectual disabilities in Belgium with the assistance of someone who works directly with the target due to the sensitivity of the subject and to ensure that the interviews are conducted in the most appropriate manner possible.
Based on internal desk research, we have already developed a set of potential questions. What would be expected from the organizations/associations/centres is:
- We would greatly appreciate their thoughts and feedback on the attached set of questions.
- We would kindly ask them to carry out the interview following the instructions and templates provided. Please note that these interviews can be conducted in French or Dutch if they desire.
Please find attached our interview templates with more information about the project and interviews.
met vriendelijke groeten,
Lille Dumortier
Stafmedewerker ondersteuning van personen met een handicap
0474 41 66 71 - lille.dumortier@vlaamswelzijnsverbond.be